since 1989

Flatcoated Retrievers & Siberian Cats


Certified in dog breeding and animal naturopathy

 Who  I am ?

I'm also an FCI judge for all breeds of Retrievers and for Deutscher Wachtelhund.
I have judged in many countries (France, Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg, Estonia, Ireland, Bulgaria, Norway, Germany, Switzerland, ...).
I had the honor of judging at the European Dog Show in Paris in 2022.
Since October 2020, I've been President of the Retriever Club de France.


 Flatcoated  Retrievers

There is now just one female in the kennel, born in Finland : DakotaSpirit New Gold Dream for Edesse.

Production at la Source d'Edesse is very limited. The last birth was in 2016.
A litter is planned for 2024.

La Source d'Edesse kennel has long made its mark on the world of Flatcoated. I have produced many national and international champions. My affix is present in many pedigrees in France and other countries.


 Siberian  Cats

Depuis peu, une nouvelle aventure s'annonce. J'ai découvert cette race de chat Sibérien. Yumi est bien entendu inscrite au LOOF.
C'est une race extraordinaire, totalement adaptée aux personnes souffrant d'allergies aux poils de chats. Race attachante et câline comme un Flat. 
Une portée verra peut-être le jour fin 2024, début 2025.


 Plus  d'informations ? 

77510 Verdelot
- France -

Contactez moi

 Note  importante  

Nos chiens sont nourris exclusivement avec les croquettes
